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Client work

American Air Filter

Refilter was a reusable, refillable HVAC filter concept from American Air Filter. My team was responsible for generating the design for the filter frame and standing up a branding expression to test the concept with Facebook audiences.

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Refilter, flat open.jpg
Refilter, side.jpg
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Refilter, close up media.jpg

The branding journey for Refilter was unique from other projects in that the visual identity grew from the design of the product itself. Whereas other products in the eco-friendly sphere rely on lots of greens and recycling imagery, Refilter stands out with its red primary color and reserved, futurist design.


The Refilter mark was inspired by the intersecting hexagonal forms visible in the frame when it is empty, and the honeycomb shape itself evokes a sense of connectedness, stability, and intelligence in nature.

Product photos were taken by yours truly, but the design of the Refiler frame itself is the work of industrial designer and Giddy user Daniel Hiscoke.

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Your first Refilter arrives fresh and ready for your HVAC

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When the time comes, recycle your old filter insert.

Replace with a new filter insert.

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A few of the ad visuals used on Facebook. Ads that featured sneak peaks of the product itself proved to be the most effective, so we allowed the frame to be the visual star of the brand.

Refilter__Refilter logo_isolated

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