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Student Team Project, Spring 2018

Hueman is a speculative design solution that would provide a baseline to identify every person on earth, encapsulating and replacing all existing forms of ID such as your driver's license, passport, and Costco card. 


The most important 'must haves' of the project were that it be safe, voluntary, and free. 

All identity information would be stored across a vast system of

computers known as a blockchain. Using a series of complex algorithms, data entered into the blockchain is encrypted, transferred and stored in a decentralized and incredibly secure database. Essentially, instead of everyone's information being stored in one big computer, it would be stored everywhere at once. The data would be under the control of no individual government or party, and because of the nature of blockchain, the data would be practically unhackable.


The ID itself would be a unique, 6-digit hexadecimal code that all other existing forms of ID would be associated with, as well as an individual's health records, financial assets, and other information. At the time of birth or later life assignment, a DNA sample would be taken to associate with the HEX, meaning that your Hueman identity would be instrinsically tied to your real biological self and can not be replicated or accessed without your permission. 


With each HEX comes a unique color associated with that person.

The access point for each Hueman identity would be a comfortable, silicone ring worn on the middle finger of the non-dominant hand. The ring includes an infrared scanner to identify the wearer, an action light around the band, a heat charger in contact with the wearer's skin, and an interface projector.

Most Hueman interactions would be accomplished though touch, but when personal info needs to be viewed or directly interacted with, each ring functions through a holographic interface. This is for ease of use, accessibility, and the enjoyment of the user. 


Both the color of the action light on the ring and the interface are determined by the user's HEX. 

Home Screen

The interface of the ring was dictated by an idea of "The Heart, the Head and the Hands": essential information would be divided in an intuitive and simple way, starting with a clear landing page. 

Health Screen

Because of the ring's location, it can track the user's pulse and monitor BPM. This section would also include the user's medical records, which could only be accessed by medical professionals. The ring would also be able to call an ambulance in case of a medical emergency based on the tracked biometrics.

Finance Screen

Because Hueman operates on the blockchain, a universal cryptocurrency would automatically be implemented. A user's liquid assets would be converted into this currency and then localized to the country they currently inhabit. When a user moves or travels, their assets are updated automatically.


Purchasing would also be touch-based: a quick retinal conformation and a swipe of the ring would replace cash and credit transactions.

Family Screen

The ring would also keep you connected to your close friends and family—any two people can give mutual permissions for location and health data so that in emergency situations you can know where your family is and if they are safe.


The ring would also feature a "nudge" mechanic which would essentially function as a pager. You can nudge your loved one from your ring, and your HEX would appear on the action light on theirs, either as a way to get their attention or just to let them know you're thinking of them.

ID screen

Typical contexts where identity needs to be confirmed will be replaced with a ring swipe, but this menu still exists as a place to keep personal data, individual licenses, and eventually device settings.

Hueman would not have been possible without the work of my teammates Luke Parker and Kendra Malone,

check them out!

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